Our customers want sales results. You will guide them. We use various tools and processes to achieve results. That’s what you get to work with!
Are you goal-oriented, commercially inclined, do you have sales experience, do you have online marketing knowledge and experience or do you know about online marketing or sales tools? Let us know who you are and what you can do. Who knows, you may soon be part of successful sales results of various organizations! You can grow into an online sales expert or online marketer! Both are possible.
Do you speak English, German, French or another European language fluently? Then there are opportunities for you with our national and international campaigns.
Do you have experience as a telemarketer or in-house sales representative and do you enjoy being part of a dynamic team?
Are you strong on the phone? And do you make contact easily? Do you spot sales opportunities? Do you understand what a customer needs? Then we are looking for you!
Do you speak and write English, German, French or another European language fluently? Then there are opportunities for you with our national and international campaigns.
Let us know who you are!
We trust in your abilities. We would like to meet you and discuss what you can do and what you want. Interested in joining our team? Send your creative application to us through the form below
Do you have questions? Enter your information below and we’ll get back to you.